Exciting New Stories!

Award winning authors from around the world are making their finest works available for you, your school and your family. Our books are colorful, exciting and fun and we'd all like to invite you to follow our progress as our newest titles are published throughout the school year!

Original Characters!

The Bookmark Kids authors are among the most experienced and successful in the business. Together we've created hundreds of memorable characters and countless stories based on solid values and timeless principles. Our creative team has worked with some of the most valuable character franchises in show business. We have the tools and the talent to make reading fun and beneficial.

Scholarship and Excellence!

Of all people, we know the value of letters in education. Our goal is as simple as it is inspiring, and that is to encourage readers young and old to rediscover the power of the written word and put it to work building educated citizens, revitalized communities and an imaginative nation.

authors joining forces

Authors Joining Forces

We believe there is no higher educational priority for children than reading skills. That's why more than 40 of us organized this effort to get books that kids might actually want to read into schools and civic organizations across the nation. When we picked up our pens, we accepted a vital responsibility. We're here to show the world what is possible with the written word. Every book we place in the hands of a young reader gets us one step closer to our goal.

mobile game development

New and Innovative Publishing

The combination of technology and imagination in the last 50 years has unleashed a creative renaissance the likes of which has never been seen before. We are taking full advantage of those achievements and adding a few of our own along the way. We're doing things with electronic publishing other authors haven't even thought of yet, and when readers experience how much fun reading can be, they'll understand literacy in a whole new way. Reading skills should be easy to build. We're here to make sure they stay that way.

authors joining forces

Education is Our Priority

The Bookmark Kids authors are taking the lead. We don't plan to stop at fiction and picture books. There is a whole world of possibilities not being explored by our competition. We fully intend to take advantage of the opportunities modern technology has unlocked, and to bring the benefits of those opportunities to classrooms, families, churches and communities anywhere children lack access to affordable books.

We're not just going where others won't. We're going where others can't.